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Time for a change


Heacorn Parachute Club owns two aircraft which can hold 24 skydivers each at one time. The centre employs six pilots who rotate throughout the week.

Clem has decided that this will be his last season working at Headcorn.

  "I’ll give up being an instructor, but I’ll carry on skydiving.

  "We have people who skydive well into their eighties, because it’s that kind of sport, it’s not really physical, it’s much more mental."

Above: Landing area for the plane and sheep in the distance

Above: Clem discusses the centre's display team and the events he worked on.

Final thoughts: Clem encourages everyone to try skydiving

The Headcorn sign which has hung in the equipment shed for decades. Clem will be sad to say goodbye to it at the end of the season.


Above: Audio slideshow showing the aircraft and the site at Headcorn as Clem tells everyone to "challenge their fears" and try something new.