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Being a skydiving instructor is a full-time job for Clem, and many others. The Headcorn centre is open six days a week, and from the day that the clocks go back in the spring, they are open seven days a week.

  "Because we’re the closest parachute centre to London, we have a huge area that we can get people from. If the weather behaves itself we are busy. When it’s like this (cloudy) we’re quiet."

  "You have to be very responsible for people, particularly when you’re doing tandems, because they don’t necessarily know how to look after themselves and keep themselves safe so you have to do it for them. Tandem skydiving you have to be very safety-conscious." 

Above: Clem discusses how many skydives can be done in one day.

Below: the Rockstar banner that hangs in the equipment room at the centre.

Above: Clem explains why skydiving is becoming a more popular sport.

Above: More equipment hanging waiting for customers.
